
Geonosis and orray

Hi everyone,

I’m new in Zbrush Central and this is the first time posting my work here.
This is the character in Star Wars EPII that I sculpted for Hardcore modeling mini challenge #9 Star Wars Tribute. I used Zbrush 3 mainly but created a base geometry from Maya. The render image was produced from Vray 1.5 with displacement map. I hope you guys like it.








really awesome work, thee! Theres so much detail, and the resemblance is amazing :+1:

I watched this one pretty close on CGS. Congrats on winning a category!
Can you post your process for creating the fine detailed sculpt and displacement mapping process?

I’d like to see that displacement mapping process too, is there a way in z3?

beautiful. i’d love to see a few shots of your base meshs.

I saw this on CGTALK during the challenge. It deserves Top Marks. Glad to see you made top row. Excellent!! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Really nice wip my friend!! I hope you texture that!!

Nice job!!!

Steve Jubinville
Digital Sculptor

Saw this on CG Talk as well and I still think the same thing as the first time I saw it…WHOA!!

Great work bud! Very Top Row Stuff!!!



That’s very cool! Love the creature, chest of the rider feels a little messy to me, other then that great job! :+1:

CRAP how did you get such fine displacement in Vray. Can you reveal your secrets.

agree with Firebert .
also awosomwe creature ! and detail !
remind me a dragon or a big Lizard something like big Komodo .

I saw this on cgtalk and it was the best imo. Thanks for talking about your methods and showing us the alphas used too btw. it’s great when amazing artists are not full of them selves and are willing to share tips. great, great work again btw.

very very very grtae details on jester woohoo i love this :smiley: :red_circle: :red_circle: :+1: :+1:

It’s a lot to take in at once. So much work and attention’s gone in it… Great!! :+1: :+1:

wow dude very cool model. Really nice wip my friend!! I hope you texture that!!

beautiful.:+1: :+1: :+1:

hey man so deatialy model.:+1:
Good Luck;)

hey theerapol…welcome…very nice and complex modeling…i like its Skin…
is there any version of VRAY for maya? as i know it was beta version

This is top-notch work. Congrats

Are you gonna texture it? hope so…

great model