
General: What FILE FORMATS does ZBrush 2 support?

For 2D images, the BMP, PSD, PICT and TIFF formats are supported. When exported from the Alpha palette, the TIFF format is a 16 bit image ideal for use with displacement maps. In addition, ZBrush will import the JPG format. Multi-layer PSD images will be flattened on import since ZBrush’s layer system is very different from Photoshop’s. For 3D objects, ZBrush supports OBJ and DXF. The OBJ format is the most common, since it supports UV mapping (ZBrush will use any UV mapping that’s applied to the model, or can assign UV coordinates itself). Additional formats will be possible in the future through plugins.


Does zbrush has a video tutorial meanning interactive?


Does zbrush has a video tutorial meanning interactive?