
Frost Giant WIP

Anyone who knows me will tell you how much I love Norse Mythology. I’ve decided to make a few of my favorite characters from the myths. This is Bergelmir, the first Frost Giant.

Uncountable winters before the earth was made,then Bergelmir was born,Thrudgelmir was his father,and Aurgelmir his grandfather.




Alright something doesn’t seem quite right. I can’t quite put my finger on it.

I want him to be a little bulkier than normal but something about the over-all proportions looks a little weird to me. I think I’ve been staring at it too long. Any tips?


Well if you want him all big and buff there’s a couple of areas where you can pack some meat on. The most noticeable right now I think is the lack of a strong trapezius coming from the back to imbetween the deltoids and neck. If you really want to emphasize it you can sort of slope that muscle so it looks like he’s in a perpetual contraction/semi hunch. I’d also say you could add volume to the tops of the deltoids/shoulders as well. After that you might want to make the arms thicker by emphasizing the biceps and triceps, as well as the forearms. You could also push out the lates/ribs out so they come out slightly further than the hips do. I’d also say for a giant that the bottom of the legs look a little thin, might want to sort of “tree trunk” them by emphasizing those muscles too.

Just my 2 cents, good stuff so far.

Thanks for the tips. The forearms and the lower legs haven’t even been started yet. I generally work outward evenly from the chest area when I’m sculpting.

Your point about the traps and the shoulders was very helpful. I think what my problem is is that I have this think chest and stomach region and then comparably smaller shoulders and neck. I’ll make some changes and repost. Thanks!

Quick update. Not quite done pushing all of the proportions yet.




Another update. Still haven’t started on the legs yet.


Just messing around with the different materials and Photoshop :cool:





He does not look anatomically correct. His triceps look odd, his delts are too small/flat and his quads are flat as well. The forearm muscles do not seem to wrap around toward the wrist properly. Also, the jaw and cheekbones look incorrect. I made a few quick markups on your pic. My apologies for the quick crude drawing.

Here’s a link to a great free anatomy resource: http://www.fineart.sk/index.php?s=56&cat=18

Keep at it and study human anatomy. over time it becomes 2nd nature. I still struggle with hands and feet. Don’t be afraid to redo your work.


Thanks for the tips!