
.-= Frenchie's Anniversary =-.

GuyZ’n’GalZ, please don’t forget this:
approximately after 15 posts will have our good fella and friend and living
encyclopedia FrenchyPilou


“veryfriendlyandlovelypost” anniversary:sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Good luck to next billion, Frenchie-dude:+1:


How many worn-out keyboards is that? :wink:

Cheers Pilou & Congratulations! :+1: :+1: :+1:

OK it’s early but this way I get to cut a big slice of his party cake.

Frenchy the forum without you would be a pizza without cheese.

I really should celebrate with an image dedication - but first cake.

Woow 10 000 posts…
Happy birthdaay pilou, I think it will be done tooday…
I think for the occasion I should show out my 100000 candle cake!

He could be winner of a zbrush cap…!


:smiley: Congrats Frenchy

Looking forward to the next 10000 from our resident data miner :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Thanks Frenchy!


U were the first person that replyed to my first post here in ZBcentral…looking at your post counter - I know I was not alone:D
Congrats and thanx for useful tips you give us all the time!


I am waiting too, it is like changing of the year

Johnny the Noseblower is learning the French National Song now! :lol:

Frenchy, 10,000 posts, man , you need to get a life! I’m glad that you are here on this forum I know that I have found a lot of cool sites because of you . Congratulations!


Hey Frenchy,

I was thinking Pixologic should take this occasion to release the 2.0 demo. Would be a fitting celebration! Personally, I’d like to wish you 10,000 more!


Quite a few posts earlier we decided to kick of the Weekly Challenge of “Frenchy ‘10000’ Pilou” pictures to honor his gargantuan effort to provide fellowship and knowledge!

I think it’s time for that!




Grrrr, moved thread



Way to go Frenchy!!

Seems like only yesterday you started the 5000 dedications!!:wink:

Now I must go off and create 1 for a big friend of ZBC!.

HAHA excellent Bas!
Hey no reply from Pilou, maybe he’s not aware of this thread lol

Strangely enough that is the same number of people that he
has helped with information, encouragement, patience, links etc.
Oh yes we also all remember who was one of the first to greet and welcome
the newbie.
Congratulations and all the best!!!
Many Many thanks.

…I have seen it this little thread ! :smiley:
Just a problem : Pass or not pass this limit, that is the question ! :rolleyes: