
Free ZBrush Beginner Tutorial

Dear fellow ZBrush Artists (and to those of you who want to become a ZBrush artist),

almost a year has passed since I’ve uploaded a pretty comprehensive ZBrush Beginners Tutorial on my Youtube Channel.

Even if a new version of the app was released in the meantime, the basics covered in this course are still relevant and very important.

As more and more people are finding it useful, I would like to share the video in this post:

2 hours is all it takes to acquire a profound and solid understanding on how to approach digital sculpting in this amazing software.

So, if you are planning to add ZBrush to your tool belt, which you really should if you are into 3D modeling in some way or another, then start with my introduction.

I promise you will not regret it!

Have a creative week and happy ZBrushing!

Ben | 3D Gladiator