
Female Reproductive Organs

Here is a WIP.
We use Zbrush for 90% of the 3D anatomy we create of the human body. We have been doing this now for 7 years and this is our first post here. We primarily use references from medical illustrators like Kenhub and Dr. Frank Netter for color and detail.

We would love to hear your comments.


What is your approach to accelerating fat lobe shaping? Do you work for a publisher?

Excellent work! It is always interesting to see what different industries ZBrush is used in. Thank you very much for sharing. :+1:

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Not sure what you mean about “accelerating fat lobe shaping”. We create all of our models for educational purposes. These are used specifically for interactive applications and instructional 3D animations, but there are many uses.

We don’t work with a publisher specifically, but have some print work for National Geographic.

Thanks for you interest!

Great anatomy! Very well done.