Sorry if this has already been requested in the past, but I have a feedback suggestion that would be great to see implemented in the future. It’s the option to be able to add folders for Layers. It’s quite a time consuming process having to toggle multiple Layers on/off, and if Layers were put in folders, and the folder could be toggled on/off, it would enable/disable all the Layers inside, making it a much quicker process.
I think I might have put this forward before, but as it’s on the subject of Layers - would it be possible to have an option to bake single Layers? Rather than having to bake everything all at once? This would be especially useful if there’s a slight change made to a sculpt, that might have been missed out previously, and you just want that baked down and made a part of the mesh permentantly, without it affecting every other Layer you’re still working on.