
Fantasio's Sketchbook

Hi, I´m partially new to zBrush as I purchased my copy a few weeks ago and am constantly learning.
My background is 2d Illustration in Photoshop but I was always dabbling in 3d with Sculptris, blender, Mandelbulb3d and occasionally zBrush for testing.

Now that I took the plunge, I see a lot of potential in the tool - even though I have to say that I´m generally a 2D artist, that means, I will never get as far and detailed as others will be - because I know I´m way faster painting and retouching in Photoshop.
However, my aim is to get as good as I can be in order to get more knowledge in 3D-printing and eventually for conceptart-jobs - although, I´m not depending on that.

Below is my first “real” rendering using a Genesis3 basemesh from Dazstudio, which then was imported to zBrush, rendered in Keyshot and finally put together in Photoshop. And yes, it is inspired by Brom and Anthony Jones somewhat :wink:

Hope you like.


Here is a head study, trying out polypainting on face and eye. I´m just exploring the possibilities of zbrush here.

Result of a late night Zbrush session of afaik 2 hours.

This is the final, post edited work. Not finished in the sense of detail or technical, but rather from a rendering and post-editing -point of view. At the geometry-stage there is still lots of flaws but I´m still learning and am somewhat satisfied with my second rendering here.

Way to go :wink:
Hope you like,


This creature design-commission for Ren Garcia and the League of Elder was a lot of fun to do.


If you want to see the whole process, this article covers quite the complete creation of the creature design including the matte painting around the creature:

My sketchfab can be found here:

I hope you like!
Thanks for watching!



Bildschirmfoto 2017-01-19 um 23.35.13.jpg

Bildschirmfoto 2017-01-16 um 08.17.49.jpg

Bildschirmfoto 2017-01-15 um 13.41.21.jpg


Bildschirmfoto 2017-01-19 um 15.23.54.jpg