
Fabricio Torres - Doodles, Noodles and what not...

superb work awesome

Awesome! I love the hair.

kallesh3d, dkent, lt_ken84, graphico, Ganesh, chief71: Thank you very much!

selwy: Thanks a lot Ben. BIG fan of your work! (L)

Dziobson: No alphas, no tricks. Just had to model the strands one by one. :smiley:

monstermaker: :open_mouth: thank you so much Mr. Baker!!! Truly honored to have you commenting on a model of mine.

aamirart: Thanks! And hey, that’s a really cool Wolverine!

And here is a little treat: an online 3d file of the model. It’s super reduced and lost most of it’s details, but gives a good perspective of the volumes

(I might one day try to export a even lower version of it with a normal map to make the details more visible, but that’s time consuming, heh)

Great sculpt man… Breakdown was amazing, Plus you shared a actual 3D file with us… Its priceless.
I love the attitude of yours. Your post well deserved to be in TOP ROW.

Beautiful work) I like your work.

Awesome dude, awesome!

Great work, congratulations!

Thats is just amazing! thx a lot!

Any Tutorials from you online :wink: ?

Specially how to do this retopology look so clean!

Great work as always Fabricio.

I hope you start to post more often :D.

C ya.

wow! amazing sculpt! Can you explain how you went about making the hair? brushes etc. Apologies if you have already in the thread :wink:

<object id=“79698b4b-b82a-908e-e9eb-d99ddab7adaa” width=“0” height=“0” type=“application/gas-events-cef”></object>Really, great modeling! Sculpture anatomical demands great attention. But you did it masterfully!

Your work is really astonishing! I love the amount of detail and realism :slight_smile:

If I had point out some flaws and give some constructive feedback I have two thinks that comes two my mind:

  1. To me, his face is somewhat emotionless. Presuming he is bodybuilder, standing before the judges, he would most likely look at his muscles with a proud, maybe with a bit of arrogance.

  2. Usually bodybuilders try and avoid wrinkles on their lower back by reducing their backwards bending, because it gives minus points from the judges.

I know those are some tiny flaws, but it was really hard to do on such fine work!

brilliant work…awesome pose…gave me goosebumps …:confused::sunglasses:

Fantastic modeling skills. envy of your anatomy.

I too would love to know if you’ve uploaded any tutorials on how your achieve your results.