
Elf ( vahid ahmadi sketchbook)

and Thanks alotttttt to thepixologic for the toprow .

stunning work mr vahid , i really enjoyed it , and congratz on the top row , well deserved .

thanks dear vampactus

Congratulations on a much deserved top row Vahid:+1:

@boozy floozie thank you so much dear mark :smiley:


this is awesome sensei your work is absolutely awesome I truly love her armor and those freaking details make me feel so good to see them in this material wow what great render I love the red one that is crazy man. well done you deserve it congrats for TP :+1:

It is always a pleasure to see your work! Perfect! Precious. And as always, thanks for sharing your workflow, materials, videos, etc … very grateful. Congratulations for the top row !!

@MIMDIAmond thanks alot bro for your kindness im grateful for that

@ciscoraya hii cisco whats up pal… i appreciate your kind wordss and im thankful

Woooooooow very nice

@Mehdi azar thanks dear mehdi fadaat

your Works are always inspirational , my friend

salam mokhlesam sadegh jan taaje sari thanks alot bro