
Dragon / She is awake!

Hello friends, Happy new year.
This is my latest personal project from last year
I designed, sculpted, and poly-painted this creature in ZBrush and then finished the texture in Substance. Also, I used the Marmoset toolbag for baking and rendering and Photoshop for post-processing.
I hope you like it. :metal:

“After days of hiking and passing through forests, fields, and valleys, the gold seekers reached #Dark Mountain and climbed for seven days. They reached the #Black #Cave. In the cave, Gold shone everywhere.
Suddenly the cave trembled as if it were alive. The golden dust danced in the air and opened its eyelids. Turquoise eyes shone.
Now she is awake!”
My Instagram



Awesome sculpt and renders!

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Thanks. :blush:

verrrry nice dragon…love it

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Beautifully detailed. I love the surface variations.

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Thank You :blush: