
DON(mafia boss)

wanted to go for a toney n human mix look,modeled and rendered in maya,detailing & texturing in zbrush 3.1

hope u guys like it
c&c’s welcome


Superb work …indeed is very good . CONGRATULATIONS :cool:


U could reduce the smoke on his face though…

I like the image. The overall looks pretty good. It is posible to see the charater.

I would like to coment you that the area around the eyes looks strange to me.
Think that the eyes are more that the 50% of the soul or mood of a human expresion.
I make silicone busts for collector and a friend of mind one day critic me that I had to spend more time on the eyes. He told me that he spend the 50% of the time of every procces on the eye area, always put expecial attention to this place.
I think that you have get the expresion but the corners looks strange.
All the best, Arturo