

Here are some of my new WIP dinosaurs. Actually the final pictures are ready but I haven’t permission to show it at the moment. Only later.

Texture is painted in ZB and edited in Photoshop.



Wow! Great job. I really like the Allosaurus. :+1:

Great, great Dino-work you´ve done here. Love it. Looking forward to see more. :+1:

Good work! I love dinosaurs. Please texturize the Pachycephalosaurus!

Thanks :slight_smile:

Please texturize the Pachycephalosaurus!
He is ready. And the environment is finished too. I just can’t show the final images right now.

Hi there,

Im looking for a T-rex model to be used in a scene I am creating. Would you sell one of your models for this kind of use ?

Please email me on: [email protected]



Here is another dino.





your dinosaurs are kickass

Really nice models Swordlord.

Wow, honestly, how did I miss this thread! Amazing work! I love the texturing!

Great job.


nice models the dinos look pretty cool. i like the final compositions! :+1:

definitely one of the best made dino i have ever seen.
I personally loveee the detailing and the color palette you chose for them.
They look amazing! Keep posting sir. Great great stuff!



Was this thread ever fronted? If it wasn’t it’s about time it got on the top row. Very beautiful dinosaurs and I can’t really think of something that would make them look better.

Great work.

Thanks guys! Glad to hear such a kind comments.

Was this thread ever fronted?
No, it wasn’t )

Yeah, and maybe it will be interesting for you too. We made it with my friend - Alexander Kyshtymov. I made the dino, animation and rendering while Alexander created rig, muscles and dynamics. It's a simple test of the rig-system for our non-commercial project.



Great test! Crazy dinos! Congrats:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:D

Awesome work in this thread man, you are truely the dino master :smiley:
Keep them coming!

stunning work…

this is the most amazing thread… thanks for sharing

Beautiful ! :+1: