
Decorative Spinning Top made as a Flower Sculpture

Hi, folks
I would like to show you two of my works, which are an element of interior decoration and are made in the form of stylized flower sculptures.

  • Even though the first time this work was negatively received in this community and I even deleted it …over time I still decided to repost this work …because, you know, it’s a matter of taste, and I personally really like these decorative flower sculptures.
    …So, let’s go, the second attempt :slight_smile:

The first of them is made as a Sunflower in the form of the Spinning Top.

*** Short Story…

I had the idea to create something special, in a mystical style …something that would have a certain symbolic meaning, and at the same time, evoked warm bright memories from childhood…

It was supposed to be some kind of decorative thing that was nice and interesting to hold in your hands, or to have as a decorative item in your interior.

After some thought, my idea was formed into the Decorative Top with magical patterns…

As a basis, I decided to take the Sunflower, which in different nations has long been associated with the image of the Sun, light, prosperity, strength and well-being.
Also, it is believed that it has the ability to discharge negative energy.

On the other side, I made a stylized pattern similar to Thistle, which is believed to have magical powers and is able to drive evil spirits away from home.

I made this sculpture in two versions:
– as a decorative element of the interior, in a vintage style with a gold patina
– and as a functional toy, restless whirligig, 3D-printed from resin, with many variations of colors

![Spinning Top - Bronze Varnished - Short|video]

…and a few other pretty nice variations were made

…another example shows how sometimes a “bug can turn into a feature” :slight_smile:
It was an intermediate stage with some glitches on the 3D print, which, after polishing and paintwork, turned out to be quite an interesting thing.

…okay, I went a little too far…

*** Another beautiful work was made as a complement to the first one — it is called “Mallow Flower”.

In the process of working on the previous Sunflower-Top sculpture, I got an idea to make a Mallow flower in the same style, which, together with the Sunflower, has traditionally always been a decoration of the Ukrainian yard …frontyard and backyard …you know, we Ukrainians love flowers and have many different ones all around the house :)))

In it’s sculptural form, the Mallow also closely resembles the well-known Hibiscus flower (they both come from the same mallow family)
So, you can call it whatever you like.
I prefer Mallow …I like the way it sounds …and that was the main idea.

…reality in my hand

…and colorfully painted

Well, that’s all for now.
I hope you enjoy this idea and how I brought it to reality
…or, maybe not, maybe you not like it again, that’s okay too :slight_smile:
Anyway, I appreciate your participation and attention!