
Dark Phoenix Diorama

Hi there Fellows Zbrushes!!

just wanted to share the Dark Phoenix Xmen diorama I did as a tribute of my favorite animation and saga.

Still in progress, some modifications and adjustments ahead. Some portraits will be fixed a bit, as the fenix will be tweked a bit more.

The production of the piece will be made by Mfa Collectibles.

Bear Hugs to all!!

Happy Zbrushing!!



Great expressions and emotional energy. Nice work! :+1:

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Another stunner @ExequielDevoto :fist:

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Thanks so much Spyn!!

Thanks so so much Jaime!!

Can’t wait for it to be finished :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Incredible work! I love the balance of the composition - wonderful job :slight_smile:

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Hey There!! Thanks Miranda!!! Please Do!! cant wait to see what are you doing!. Big Hugs!


Thanks so Much Kingsley!! still work to do, but i like the result so far. Thanks again!!