
Daniorrr's sketchbook!

Great model !!!

Nicely done! I too would love to see it lit and textured to match the concept. Congrats on the top row!

Beautiful work here!

Best regards,

Lovely, a much deserved top row.

That is really a beautiful work, brillant !

Daniel was one of my students in Intro to Digital Sculpting at the Gnomon school a few terms ago. He’s getting really good, really fast!! Great guy! Great artist!

thank you guys! and thank you eric keller :slight_smile:

heres more stuff ive been working on, im still working on fixing the textures and comping the dracula shot, but ill share it once im done!

this time i chose a concept from murat bingol!

This guy is great, nice work!

Really great design, and execution :slight_smile:

Love it. Great design.

Great character design :slight_smile: