
CurveBridge brush causing sliver polys

I’m trying to connect two different objects in Zbrush using the CurveBridge brush, but the joined mesh is giving me sliver polygons. Anyone know why or how to avoid?

  • The meshes are fairly similar densities, and have clean topology and no errors or non-manifold
  • I’m following this technique (drag and shift to snap along edge) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVBsFzbuKcA
  • I found that when I used the Stroke - Curve functions - Frame mesh - border only - it would not connect fully along which ever edge was tapped second
  • I’ve tried both merging and booleaning the two items together before connecting, makes no difference.
  • I’ve remeshed the dome to ensure the polys along the bottom edge were extra tidy, makes no difference.
  • Zremeshing (just the connected bit) doesn’t help. I’d prefer not to have to remesh the whole thing as it often gets funky with hard edges

Any suggestions for why this might be happening? Or methods to deal with the slivers?
