
Colorbleed Sculpts

Hey guys, we figured we’d make a thread of some of the sculpts we do in between projects! Let us know what you think :slight_smile:





I love the style you are using for the turtle!

i like that hair, how did you do that?

Hey! Thanks guys,

the hair is done with the grooveturbulence brush. Which is alot of fun :smiley: Here some renders of the models, hope you like.


Wow pretty amazing render!
What is it? Vray?

Hey Daemon,

thanks for your reply,

it’s a monkey and an old man.

no, yeah, it’s vray

Wow spectacular job. I would love to learn about your render setup! What was the lighting setup? Did you use any procedural textures? Nice job again :wink:

Mac’N’Cheese, he is talking about what you used to render with, VRay, Keyshot, MentalRay, LightCaps/BPR in ZBrush?? And like everyone else, how’d you get that cool RIM LIGHTING?? In general, how did you get that awsome render?

Also, I am really digging your style of sculpting. It’s a cool blend between hardSurface and organic… kinda (don’t know how to really explain myself, but, REAL NEAT LOOKING.)

Hi Eiad,


The lighting for both scenes is actually very simple. The monkey has one overhead vray rect light, with some bars blocking the way to create some interesting shadows. An extra bounce light, large rect light, on the sides for some very soft and subtle lighting.

The old guy has 2 vray rect light as rimlights, one cold and one warm. One (small for sharp shadows) overhead light as well to give the image a little more kick, this light is also cold because the domelight uses a warm /inside HDRI.

Vray camera with DOF and vignetting, some post work done in fusion and PS.

You’ve got an awesome portfolio btw, we love the ork!

Haha, we know, just kidding!

You missed the small line at the bottom;)
It’s v-ray for maya

Had it been a snake, it would have bit me-:smiley: Sorry, of course you would know that (duh on me-:D) Again, love everything you have done!

Thanks for your kind words :slight_smile:

Every time I get back to this thread, I have no words to describe how impressed I’m with this peaces. Don’t get me wrong the actual sculpts look amazing but the lighting pushed the limits. Again I would love to learn more about your setup, some snapshots maybe. How long each render took? How did you make the saturation of the orange light work on the scene.

Thanks again for sharing your talent.

love the old guys expression! awesome sculpts and renders.

these renders inspired me friend :smiley:

Ok so theres nothing I can say to you that hasn’t already been said …

lol , awesome thread brother great work !!!

great job, man !!! congratulation !

Gorgeous renders!