
Color values


So I’m sure most of you know that the above changes the document background to a cyan.

My questions are, why not the standard 3 RGB values but more importantly, how can I convert this float to an RGB value?

It’s combined RGB divided by 65536. Combined RGB is (R * 65536) + (G * 256) + B. I don’t know why it’s stored like that.

If you wanted to set the background color you can use this (more readable) code:


Not sure what you wish to do. Hovering over the swatch usually shows some values. You can open the system color picker.
I did some stuff>>> http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?191405-ALTERNATIVE-4R7-UI-(With-Updated-Files)&p=1126004&viewfull=1#post1126004

Thank you marcus_civis! That was exactly what I was looking for.