
Chris Brown / Breezy Stylized Bust Sketch

Evening sketch of Chris Brown aka Breezy Stylized

Chris Brown / Breezy Stylized Marmoset Toolbag 4 and some NPR Fun

#maxon #pixologic #zbrush #3d #sculpture #concept #clay #realtime #marmosettoolbag4


Careful now NPR twiddling can be addictive :+1:

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Yeah those NPR than can definitely be addicting once you start twiddling around :slight_smile: Been a while using them but I need to get Pablo Munoz NPR Kit they are astonishing :+1:

So good and well applied in your NPR experiments :clap:

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Thank you so much Jaime :slight_smile: Nothing too crazy here again but I appreciate your time and support. Wishing you and your family a great christmas holiday time and a good start into new years!