
Character Stuff

Hey guys i wanted to share a work in progress on my akuma from street fighter redesign. He is a mix of Chinese and Japanese aesthetic. I still have a lot more to do on this but just thought i would show a small teaser. alright till next post.

sweet sculpts man

I like the animalistic akuma. beast mode!

This is awesome Robert!

thanks guys, Ill be sure to share the final when its ready.

Alright im calling this guy done. Had a lot fo fun working on one of my favorite fighting game characters and putting my own spin on him.

<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/74012423?color=ff0179&autoplay=1&loop=1" width=“720” height=“462” frameborder=“0” webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> KungFu Akuma from robert brown on Vimeo.





Hello all! I thought I would share the trailer to an upcoming tutorial series ill be releasing soon.This series will introduce young and seasoned artist alike to a texturing and shading working flow for real time and cinematic development. In this 3 hour series we will explore texture painting with Mayas poly panting tool before transitioning on over to /substance painter for further development and then we will finalize all our content inside UE4 taking advantage of all its material layering, post processing and lighting abilities. The full series will be ready by early July so feel free to subscribe and stay tuned. Cheers!
<iframe width=“1280” height=“1024” src=“https://www.youtube.com/embed/egNB6kBUO60” frameborder=“0” allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

<iframe src=“https://player.vimeo.com/video/130504529?autoplay=1&loop=1&color=ff9933” width=“1280” height=“719” frameborder=“0” webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> OGRE_King_Sculpt from robert brown on Vimeo.

zbrush shots.

The sculpt is kind of unpolished but i love the design, especially the head, i love that concave area between his eyes
did you retopo before importing into unreal or is that a high density mesh?

Appreciate the feedback :slight_smile: although the " polishing" was relative to the original sketch I created. No this model wasn’t resurfaced for animation. Its purpose was entirely for illustration and shader exturing\lighting development. The mesh is roughly 40k triangles.