
Brain Parasite


Hi Guys, I hope everyone is doing well,
A while back, when I started working on this artwork, I viewed it as fun. Gradually, the production process progressed, and it became more serious and exciting for me. So, I decided to bring it here and share it with you today.
Sculpting tentacles and horns was really enjoyable and a very interesting experience for me.
The initial idea was inspired by one of Tooth Wu’s concept artworks. I hope you enjoy it. :wink:
Best Regards,


Great 3d rendition of the concept! Love the sculpting/detailing/coloring work!!:sunglasses::+1::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2: will you detail the skull too?

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Thanks a lot dear Geert​:heart_eyes::star_struck:,
About your question, No, the skull was actually a base for the bug to sit on, and it’s finished here !!

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