
Bedouin Elf

Character created for the Advanced-term Final project at Think Tank Training Centre Online.
For this project I did entirely concept, sculpting, modelling, texturing, grooming, lookdev, post and comp.
Concept inspired by a photograph from Robin Moore.
Software used: Mainly Zbrush, Maya, Vray, Xgen, Mari, Substance Painter, Marvelous Designer, Photoshop and Nuke.
Special thanks to my instructor Raffael Frank, TTO students and staff, and for sure my family and wife who supported me during the process.



Superb! The skin looks good, especially on the hand, and I also like the little imperfections and stray threads on the garment. :+1:

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Excellent job on this. Beautiful detailing and sense of life.

You mentioned a lot of different software that you used, but this is ZBrushCentral – what were the ways in which ZBrush was invaluable to you?


Thanks a lot!

Hi Aurick,

Thank you so much. I am glad you like it.

Zbrush it was the main software in this project. I can say that I spent 75% of the time of the project just on Zbrush. All the sculpting and first polypaint were done on it.
Even until the last days before rendering I kept modifying the sculpt.

One of the most challenging but also the most interesting part of the project was to sculpt the facial expression. I think the smile and all the wrinkles that the smile forms on the face was the key to this piece.

Honestly, without Zbrush I could never achieve this result.

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Beautiful. Aside from astonishing technical achievements, this piece is successful in capturing the emotion of the moment. The feeling of happiness comes thru very much. That’s remarkable. I predict this will be hovering in Top Row shortly.

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it’s looking amazing good work :ok_hand:

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Thank you so much for your words!

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The bedouin gave me a smile :slight_smile: Outstanding work!

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Wow this is so realistic! It looks like a photograph - absolutely stunning work :slight_smile:

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Absolutely Amazing work

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Great work! Love the details

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Great Work …Awesome :+1:

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Thanks a lot Jaime! :smiley:

Thank you so much Kingsley!

Awsome Details

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Amazing what a realistic it is, incredible, wonderfull…!

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Awesome @tomas_sackmann ! Really nice job on the skin and cloth. :+1: :+1:

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Awesome master piece man! Great Work. :wink:

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Thanks a lot @Udaya_Kumar @Baileygypsy @zber2 @Light154 :pray: