I made this work by studying the features of a ballerina’s legs, it has a very different և unique muscular structure, I paid special attention to the toes, and how they sit on the ground.
Hope you like it
Quite a feet!!
While i have an immense respect and admiration for those who can master anatomy, i’m not that much into this class of works…usually.
But i find this one pretty amazing because of the whole package :
Subject, execution and actual image/art.
Now the question is : Should i be critical or thankful that these feets are shown not as butchered by practice as i understand they usually are ?
I will take the thankful option.
Superb work.
Bruttally intresting .Gratt!!!
Beautiful work! I can feel that stretch and bend in my own feet as I look at it. Amazing sense of weight and form. Thought it was a scan at first.
Wow, amazing anatomy here!
I’ll have to trust that your reference is legit because those feet don’t look like they could be real.
Incredible sculpt.
great work! love it!
beautiful work, really the attention anatomie details, congratulations
And men ought to take note of the call of fears。 to simply be a pacesetter or someone who is heroic and courageous, we should awareness on getting past these fears。 and it’s miles frightful for humans to go through life ignoring fears, due to the fact they’ll often neglect their heart and step into existence with out obligation。
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I really like what Nigel said to Angelia in the film.
When your personal life is gone, remember to notify me, it means you are going to be promoted.
I very much agree with this sentence, life and work, we choose to work because of life, and work makes us neglect life. When you want to get promoted, you have to sacrifice more of your private time to work.
Choice is a very interesting thing, and when you make a choice, it also means that you will lose something very pity.
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