
Avatar Navi Self Portrait

Well, after seeing the new Avatar movie, (which was by far the best movie I’ve seen) I was inspired to make my very own avatar. :smiley:

The whole thing took about 2 days, since i am teaching myself (I’m 16 so I can’t go to uni yet).
I encourage others to make their own Avatars :slight_smile:


Justin Avatar Cross.JPG

original poster.jpg

Avatar ut3.JPG

Justins Avatar.jpg

Justin Avatar Cross2.JPG

Avatar Justin Poster.jpg

Justin Avatar head square.JPG

So close but still need to tweak some things. Take a look at the nose area - in particular, the sides - both in your pic and in the movie poster. The lip color should be more of an indigo color also, which would help with the look of the lips. Coming a long well but just need a bit of work to really sing. Personally, while I loved the characters in the film, the creatures interest me more. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the tips, Ill work on that now.
You sorta forget the obvious things when you work on a model non stop for a long time.

For a young fella your doing really well.Good job matey :):).

Heres some updates on whats been I doing
[avatar expression.JPG](javascript:zb_insimg(‘173208’,‘Problem.jpg’,1,0))
If anyone has any ideas on how to fix it that would be great. Its quite annoying and pops up randomly sometimes.


Rachel_avatar 001.jpg

Rachel Avatar.JPG


Just fill your mesh with a material. Looks like you poly painted with mrgb on and a different material at one point.

You got it spot on. It was the material. Thanks for the help. I thought my mesh was screwed and I was like oh %#$:mad:

Anyone have any Ideas on how I should start the braided hair? Im not sure:qu:

Nice job.
I would try to smooth the transition between the sides of the nose where it meets the cheek, this will make the nose less of a tube shape and integrate it better into the face. You might also try and define the lower lip line a bit and don’t let the color bleed out so far, it tends to weaken the lip. The color on the lips and nose should really be more in the blue range with just a hint of pink.
What you have is pretty close though :+1:

We all have our views and your efforts are very good.
I do have a point that differs to yours though.
This was, for me at least, a very poor movie.
The gfx were great - that is obvious - but the storyline reminded me of early western cowboy versus indian movies and just stank of simplicity and downright childish plot line.
How they can spend so much money on a movie and miss so badly on the plot development is just astonishing. It is like a movie made for 12 year olds and my kids said they liked the gfx but were bored by the story.
Come on America - start making great movies again - you CAN do it.

Great stuff here. Looks really good. And the movie was amazing, best movie of the year for me :smiley:

Best movie of the year for us as well… and we went to watch it again yesterday… and I can;t even recall the last time I paid to see a movie twice… maybe Terminator 2?

And there’s plenty of storyline for the film… hell, look at the plot of star wars, indiana jones, or even aliens.

It has been said that the movie was influenced by stories like “Dances with Wolves”, “Romeo and Juliet”, and the story of Pocahontas and John Smith. What is wrong with that? It’s a classic plot that people can relate to. It also reminded me of what the big petroleum and logging companies are doing right now down in the rain forests here on Earth. My biggest complaint about the movie is how conservative they were with the 3d effects. They rarely, if ever, had elements come out into the foreground in front of the screen. That’s a minor complaint though.

Thanks for the help guys, I’m still finding time to fix my Avatar, but it’s kinda hard with the colours because i’m partially colourblind. The blues, pinks greys and purples all seem to blend in my mind.
I thought the movie was possibly the most enjoyable film i’ve experienced. There are always a few haters out there, but when every person I know who saw it gives it a 10/10 then it’s kinda obvious if its good or not.:lol:

(And any help with how to do that platted hair?)

I made teeth and fixed the nose and stuff but I still need to know how to make the platted female hair!
[Justin Teeth.JPG](javascript:zb_insimg(‘173361’,‘Rachels%20Avatar%20bald.JPG’,1,0))
I am noob Hewp meee!!!


Rachels Avatar bald.JPG

For the hair, you can just use zspheres to create one long tube. you can either sculpt the surface in to a braid pattern of use a photo as an alpha. when you have something you like, duplicate it and scale it. if you start to get too many polys, decimate them.
You can then draw a mask on the area of the head that you want covered with hair and extract it, you should be able to use and alpha with a standard brush to sculpt a hairline by pushing the extracted geo back into the head so that it look like its growing out of the head.
Once you get all the braids posed on the head , use the clay brush to blend the brads and the extracted hair together.
hope this helps.

Very interesting thread, I liked what you’ve done so far.

I think every artist was inspired to do the same after watching the spectacle that was Avatar!

Keep up the good work.:wink:

u r works is wonderful

Check out my Youtube turntable.

He’s still bald, but a full 3D preview is a lot better than one frontal pic.

I sorta left the avatar thing for a while but now I’m back into it to finish the job. Im learning to render skin in 3DS Max 9 so If there is any tips on how I’m going that would be great.
Its a portrait of my Dad so he can hang it on his wall in his office for people to marvel at :smiley:
The Detailing is nowhere near finished, I’m just learning to render first.



Render test.JPG