
Artorius, the King

That’s a little tribute to Artorius Castus.

Modeled, texturized and rendered in ZBrush. The scneario and post effects were done in PS.


This looks great man. I like the detailing on all the armor.
Good job! :+1:

Good sculpture, but your post PS work is a bit flat.

the armor is quite good, but the lips need some work. they look a little too large and pouty. i imagine a warriors lips to not be as feminine.

I agree with Codeman. Correct me if I’m wrong Codeman but the image is getting slightly washed out with the overall dust/fog. There so much detail that you put into this and it’s getting hidden by the fog… or at least knocked back.

Yep i agree the lips definatley stick out as being too big and pouty.

he also looks very hunched like he is missing a neck.

Mrguy - i agree. The fog washes over everything and just makes it look like poor exposure instead of mysterious. Try and tone the fog back around the foremost elements and I think it will look a lot deeper. Also a bit of swirly fog mixed in with a fog brush or two would help.

hey put some notches in the guys sword to make it look battle damaged don’t make them big make the small and you just need a few

Wow Guys…tkts a lot for the comments…

I like to Share with you the Polypaint phase on the armour...



I like those details

The detail on the armor is top notch indeed. Can I ask if you did the detailing freehand or with alphas?

Tkts Shame and SKA.
The Flowers Insignias were done in Illustrator, then I did an alpha with it.

Hi guys,

here we have the Guy on bronze material.


Really nice detailing on the Armour, great work there man!!:+1:

I can see where your going with this and its not to bad but you can see the underside of his shoulder pads and the fact that have no faces right?

Someone has already mentioned the lips and ill throw in his left hand looks awkward and a little weird.

I think you could really have a nice piece here if you sharpened up the armour, it still has a very 3d look to it, maybe get some reference on draped cloth and worth from that.
While I quite like the detail on the armour it still looks a little rough and “noisey”, not sure if you were going for that but it looks a little off.

I like the pose and the theme of what your going for here, I’m looking forward to see what you do to finish it. (I’m a sucker for ancient history :smiley: )

Y/Haüss the armour, as others have said, looks GREAT. I have to say something bothers me about the neck length and head. It just seems the neck is short, to me anyway. And his facial expression doesn’t read well for me for some reason.

Overall I wish I could do a piece of this quality :smiley: :+1: