
Anatomy study

Hi everyBody!
Another project on anatomy studies for animation.

Zbrush preview:


C&C as usually needed.



Happy New Year’s and season’s greetings my friend. I miss our chats.

This work in progress you have presented is really great. WOW! You have come a long ways in your abilities. I am adding this to my collection for an excellant reference image. I wish I had it earlier today during a sketching session.

I know I personally want to see your progression experiments as you further the model.:+1: :sunglasses: :+1:

your friend,

WOW :+1: :+1: :+1:

Great work on th back and buttocks. The whole front of the torso is in need of better definition aspacially in the pactorials region - they don’t siit very naturally on the ribcage.


That looks phenominal. WOW. :eek:

That’s a hell of a model, Fouad!! Really nice lines. It flows very well…:+1:


Great work my friend!!!The textured pics remind’s Michelangelo’s David (for position).:+1: :+1: :+1:



Thx all for your kind comments.

 Kircho > Thx for your advice, I'm still working on and try to "perfect" this body.
 Ron!! ;)  thx my buddy, I miss our chat too, we must redo that ! (mouarf!!)
  and I wish you happy new year :+1:
 ok, now the head still on the work table.

    a test on 3Dmax...

with the full body- find some good reference images for hands- the characters thumb is out of place and bending the wrong way…

otherwise good work… will be great when all details are fixed, looking forward to seeing him animated

I think you are doing a great job on your figures. I only have one question: Your original sketches looked very familiar, so I dug through my books etc. I don’t have the cover of the art book to know its name, but did you get those drawings from an art book, page 26 under the heading “Ideal proportion, male”? - Just curious.

The Lone deranger> you have right, the rig setup on the hand is not really finished. The thumbs is not oriented correctly.

LD> thx ,) , about de reference, it is from the book draw the Marvel comics Characters

Really nice work. For some reason the head reminds me of some Roman emperor.


OOPS again! I thought I was opening my previous message.

Does anyone know how to delete a message after posted?