
An unusual Zbrushing....

I hope so.
Man, your stuff is very inspiring!

I am very glad that you are back!
I get to stare at your new stuff and try to imagine what it would be like to have it in the real world.

I think that the rendering stuff is actually something that instead of just wondering and hoping for, we should simply ask, I would guess that Aurick or Pixolator would either tell us what is going to happen or not and if they did… well than we would know for sure right?
I think I will just ask!

In the meantime, welcome back!

Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo!!


Hello my friend,thank your words and for your very precise Italian language :slight_smile:

Ok we can ask directly to Pixolator and Aurick,but also at Paul Gaboury…"Hey any news for us
Zbrushers in 2.5D :)? We want by popular acclaim a new pixol engine!!Or we fly to
Los Angels and invade the Television Centre in Santa Monica and threaten not
to blow up ourselves but just to buy more and more copy of 3D Coat…
(ok I don’t want a flame now,I am just joking)…

Anyway now I want to show you my first (for ZBCentral)TRUE renderer image (in Cinema 4D) from a
single model created in Zbrush from Zsphere,some more polyedge and then refined in modo.
Really strange pipeline isn’it?But the result is clear…And keep in mind that the though of an artist is not
so linear as a common Xyz tutorial.(where Xyz could be Digital Tutors,Eat 3D,Lynda ans so on…)

HAVE A NICE HOLIDAYS EVERYBODYHeavy polyedges from Zb in the sea SINGOLA MOD OK.jpg


Heavy polyedges from Zb in the sea SINGOLA MOD OK.jpg

Hi Francesco, That is a really great image! I guess we all have our own pipeline … whatever gets the job done! :lol: My own pipeline can range from hair in C4D, Geometry from Groboto or TopMod or Modo into Zbrush, and then to PS. It keeps things interesting! Feliz Navidad! David :smiley:

@chalkman Hey David.Also you have interesting workflow :slight_smile:

Ah I forgot to post two different angle shots of the same last digital sculpture…
I like them!Very much…Heavy polyedges from Zb.jpgHeavy polyedges from Zb in the sea SINGOLA MOD OK 2.jpg


Heavy polyedges from Zb.jpg

Heavy polyedges from Zb in the sea SINGOLA MOD OK 2.jpg

very nice organic design… any chance for some wireframes?

When will the exhibition of the large scale bronzes of these artworks open ? …:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

The guardian horse should be at least 10 meters high , maybe more , but then who has the money?

Great 2.5D. :slight_smile:

Hi Francesco, Thank you! I like these additional two very much! Cheers, David :smiley:

Hi Francesco :slight_smile:

You are really taking it to a higher level with these latest of yours…Can’t wait to see what the year ahead brings to your work…:)…Keep Inspired and Inspiring…:+1:small_orange_diamond:)

Hello everybody.I hope you all had a very happy and relaxing holidays!

I want to show you my first two images of 2012.

Of course in 2.5 D…as usual…Enjoy them!seconda del 2012.jpgprima del 2012 com OK.jpg


seconda del 2012.jpg

prima del 2012 com OK.jpg

Yes, the master of 2.5 d
Still, a great sculptor.

Hello my dear Michalis,
what sort of kind and exciting that are your last words!

Take a look a this now…

Created with ZSphere+ZSketch+poly edges and render in Cinema 4D.

One day I hope to “print” that in metal at biiig size…BIG SIZEBlack Single Heavy polyedges.jpg


Black Single Heavy polyedges.jpg

One day I hope to “print” that in metal at biiig size…BIG SIZE

Impossible! In biiig size. But to start printing (C&C) small parts of it and assembling… some hard work is needed for huge sculpting anyway.

What an impressive, this last one is. !!!

Looking Great Francesco…:+1:…Really enjoy the colors in this last one posted…Nice cool and warm contrast…really makes it pop…:+1:small_orange_diamond:)
As Always…Keep Inspired and Inspiring.:+1:small_orange_diamond:)

good work Francesco!

Beautiful Stuff, very organic - really like it a lot…

Ive just realised you sent me a private message a long time ago and i havent replied, im really sorry, i don’t visit this forum very often, im back on in a couple of days so will reply then.

J :smiley:

Another one with the fantastic technique of 2.5 pixols…Enjoy!

A big thanks to Tomasz for coming at my last personal exhibition in Warsaw!BioMech Love diff shadow MAX red.jpg


BioMech Love diff shadow MAX red.jpg

That is really cool! :+1:small_orange_diamond:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:

very nice pieces

I’m curious about your workflow, in general about 2.5d workflow. Did you record any timelapse by any chance?

Hi Francesco. Picture looking great!