
Alpha Import extremely grainy

Hi there,

I want to import a couple of self-made images as alpha to create custom brushes. This works, but in EVERY case I load the alpha »to mesh«, the result on the mesh is extremely grainy.
Believe, I tried every data format, from .tif, .psd, .jpg., 16bit, 8 bit…, I blurred, It’s all the same (see picture).
What helps a bit is to squeeze the alpha curve in ZB extremely, but so i will loose a lot of detail.
I work on a Mac and ZB 2018
Any idea?

Thanks for any help,



Please upgrade to the most up to date version of Zbrush–currently 2020.1.3. This is free for registered users, and obsolete program versions are not supported.

Your alpha looks pretty noisy–the mesh is just picking this up. With the displacement effect so high, it will amplify even the slightest bits of noise. Either remove some of the noise from the alpha, reduce the contrast, or reduce the intensity of the displacement effect.


as I mentioned above, I TRIED to reduce noise with blurring, decreasing contrast and so on with every method I do know. Not only one time.

After that, I decreased the amount of grays by changing the ZBrush-curve (also described above). The result can be seen in my screenshot. (Above)

Thanks for trying to help.
