
Alex Ross Superman!

Well hello every one my name is robert brown for the last three weeks iv been working round the clock on making content for an internship im trying to get for the summer. Well a month ago when i was presented with this projetc it was like the second week of class and the dead line was sooner then i expected soo i had to hurry and think of what to model. At first i was gonna model rutger huer th guy from blade runner, but i couldnt find any good reference material and by this point I only had 3 weeks left so i had too trash the idea and quikly think of who I could model with out getting bored. So I thought "hmm i like superman and well the movie and game are about to come out, and Im a big fan of Alex Ross so there you have it! I concider this W.I.P even though i have a reel of the models rotation. there are mistakes here and there but I realy injoyed an sculpting a Alex conept!
here’s The reel its a bit heavy 54, megs ill submit a compressed one later.

[img]http://img324.imageshack.us/img324/120/supercomp4pv.jpg[/img] [img]http://img500.imageshack.us/img500/1605/smallclose1ik.jpg[/img] [img]http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/3915/sheavy0944zn.jpg[/img]

here's [The reel](http://ia300243.us.archive.org/1/items/thesupermanreel/supermanreelfinal.mov) its a bit heavy 54, megs ill submit a compressed one later.




Wow :eek:

Thats looking awesome! Are you shooting for the Alex Ross version? If this is just a preview, its going to come out sick! :smiley:

Nice sculpture, very likely and nicely done. :slight_smile:

I’m waiting for your completed project !

Bye !

yep i got 9 more days to have all the modeling and texturing done( the whole body) including some nice sss and hair all rendered in maya and mentalray.

Wow you got talent there can wait to see it finish
your gonna model the body ?

yes im doing the whole body

ok working round the clock! the count down is on poeple i got 2 days ti finish this> Infact im working as im typing this so heres a little Wip ok ghotta get back to work “tick tock, tick tock”…







I like what you have done so far. Looking really cool.

Great job!! Can’t wait to see more!


Hhhmmmmmm, this has some real potential. My wife is the DC fan, but I have to say this is a pretty good looking Superman. :wink:

Thank you well. todays D day im batch renderig as we speak and ill try and plug the reel here when Im done. I concider this a speed model becasue of the fact that is was modeled in in total of about 2 and half weeks after being presented to me like a week after the symester had started so i had to come with an idea asap…(bah blah blah) Ill tell the story when im done




its done! for now…ill work back into it later when i have time.

I really like the head man! It looks really good! I 'd like to see the whole body with that much details…

It seems to me the head is a bit big for the body, but I’m not sure. I also have the impression the shoulders muscle look a bit thin from front view and the torso really big. The upper legs seems a bit big compared to the lower leg as welll… It’s all subtle stuff, but you know, it might make a difference…

Anyways, good job!

Can’t wait to see it completed!


yeah your right about those praportions issues the head is a bit big and yes the shoulders should be wider