
Abhominal Sketchbook

Hi ZB community!

 I have been visiting this great site for over 2 years. Thanks to watching some tutorial DVDs I have got into ZB3 and cannot believe what an amazing tool it is for artists!
 Here are some early attempts while getting use to all the cool features. I have been playing around with zspheres, transpose tool and polypainting. Renders in Maya with mental ray.




Crazzy stuff I like it…Really interesting look forward too seeing more from ya soon :):).

nice freaky stuff! really like your renders


This is something I am working on. Based on a high jumper - the olympics are coming to a tv near you.

Started off as spheres and posed him a little so as not symetrical. Then took him to maya to add a little geometry and tidy up the adaptive skin a bit. He will be part of an olympic themed series.


I retopologised a model today - wooooh. Quite an experience, hopefully practice will make perfect. I then played with it for about an hour or so until you see the result below. Just a sketch. The clay tubes brush is just awesome. Rendered in ZB and then tweaked in PS.

Crazy stuff! reminds me of Salvador Dali :smiley:

Yes! This is what I’ve been waiting to see from this community, wodermous brother! Keep up the beautiful art.


Have been playing with some matcaps and render settings, this is three different passes put together in PS.


Rendered in ZB in many different materials, then an hour of photoshop to get the look I wanted.


Thumbs up, keep it coming. Any influences you’d like to share?

I dont think I want to know your influnces…excellent modelling though.


thanks for the replies

Im interested mostly in Francis Bacon, but then mixing a lot of different influences from artists such as Hans Bellmer to Caravaggio. Theres so many influences I find it hard to even begin to list them.


really nice and personnal

I like your narration with just simple forms .


This is great ! I love them.
I would ditch those bright colors on the last image to get that unpleasant feeling i get from the other pictures…i like that unpleasant feeling :smiley: .


So are they mutated chicken characters or mutated guts? Love the weightlifter.

kind of genetically modified human monsters

Really… f’n… weird!!!

Just as cool and original as they are odd.

Great work!!!

They make me feel uneasy… when I look at them. :+1: :+1: