
A2 Redesigned - NieR Automata - Fan Art

Artstation link here ^-^ : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/9NwNbo
A2, redesigned
This imaginary pose is meant to put to test the draftsmanship I developed from completing the human anatomy course at proko.com
Likewise, I wanted to explore a cyborg and take that advantage to rethink and expose her musculature. And so this is my take on it


Cool work and presentation. Love this.

Welcome to ZBC! :slight_smile:

This is excellent! Great work and I really like the mix of skin and musculature - thanks for sharing. :+1:

Awesome take, sculpt, pose and all, well done @stevevanzeller :+1: Welcome to ZBC!

Cool work and nice details!

Beautiful work! :+1: :heart_eyes: :+1:

Damn!!! Great job. I recognised her as A2 even before I saw the name so you captured her perfectly. Nier:Automata is my all-time favourite game, and for me that’s a long, long time. Awesome :smiley:


Im very grateful for every comment on this post, but this one made me especially happy :slight_smile: . Its really encoraging to know you saw her so clearly as A2 without reading the title! So one big thank you for your support!

Absolutely beautiful! You even incorporated the fine hairs on her face. Very impressive. :heart:

Awee, thank youuu ^-^

Very beautiful piece. Your translation of organic to mechanical muscular forms is very well thought out.

Welcome to the community! :grinning:

This is gorgeous! Love the subtle peach fuzz :slight_smile:
What did you use for her hair if I may ask? Great job~

Awee! Thank you for your support~ as for everything hair related, I used xgen :slight_smile:

Thank you! Thats very encouraging ^^

Good work surely regarding anatomy bones structure muscle structure posing great try. I think facial muscles could be more sharper like Neck and jaw area and chin area to highlight more features representing a 3d model. Realistically not all humans have a chiselled structure. Just do a lot more sculpts. Keep getting better. Try different body structures. Great job :innocent::+1:

There are so many talented artists featured on this site regularly, but I have to say that THIS is one of the best I’ve seen in a long time. The overall concept and the entire presentation is so impressive and thought provoking. And the anatomy (organic & artificial) is absurdly perfect. There aren’t enough words…

Aww! Huge thanks for taking the time to write this, I feel that the common approaches you see to cyberpunk while admirable, can often be too artificial and at times even ignore the forms that make up the human body. so its especially rewarding to have this kind of recognition :slight_smile:

Fantastic work my friend. Wow

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