
45 minute Spit Sculpts by Gravemann

Thank you Tunga ! Glad you like those pieces :slight_smile:

Theme “Blind Demon”


I really like your concept man! Original sculpts, different from what I usually see, I want to put a thumb up for that work. I really like the choice of colors on “Cosmic Entity” (with the green effect around the head of the character), “Modern” With is awesome too, and “Mafia Sloth” is fresh and original.

Thanks Jean-Leny, great that you like some of my works :slight_smile:

Theme “Teeth Monster”


Theme “Death on his coffee break”


You got a great style mate!

… of all that! Monsters on human postures!:cool:

Thank you Frenchy Pilou, nice to hear that you like my work :slight_smile:

Theme : Werewolf


what a killer! \m/

What an amazing thread! All the sculpts have so much character, that you nail such charismatic mugs again and again in under an hour is unbelievable!

Thank you very much trickmonkey,johnchen & nagulov! :slight_smile:

Theme “Ant-man”


Theme “Zombie Goat”


Man I love your work, and for several reasons :

_ Sculpting skillz killer man you are
_ Outstanding Originality
_ The way you render/composite : never seen before, looks very “illustration” that’s great
_ Do you really spit on your sculpts ?

I can’t resist to ask you … Have you ever considered sculpting Rat Fink ??? If one should zSculpt him, that’s you for sure !!!

Keep on sculpting in the free world !!! (ok I go kill myself for this one)

Man, thanks a bunch KeuPon!
Rat Fink - gotta consider that, it’s a pretty crazy character - me likes :smiley:

Theme “Prehistoric Animal”


Yes or one of his crazy friends :wink:

That could be one of a hell zBrush contest : Big Daddy Ed Roth contest : Monsters and custom cars !!!

Keep up the madness :wink:

I made this one for a full creation process video for your viewing pleasure.
I hope you find it interesting to some extend :slight_smile:


Here is the video :

<iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/sf7s-4MDlJk" allowfullscreen="" frameborder=“0” height=“315” width=“560”></iframe>



Great timelapse. Thanks!

You are welcome :smiley:

Amazing job :slight_smile: Hope more videos like this will come soon :wink:

Loving your work man,Inspiring art you have here…!! :wink:

really cool,like it :smiley: