
30 minutes head modeling

Thanks Strike and again congratulations you have a very well hand model and art capacity¡¡

Great modeling :+1: :+1:

Leave him alone!!

He’s only used the demo!! Some people can’t even get results like that using the full version!!

Absolutely AMaZING! work there Strike, really really good. You should be working for a SFX Company.

¿ ?

Excellent!! Strike :+1: :+1:

really really nice :grimacing: :grimacing: :+1: :+1:

Wow! great character Strike & u aint even got the full version to save with thats dedication.

Well done strike…Thanks for sharing the time taken using ZBrush as compared to some other modeling software. I appreciate it. :slight_smile: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Hmmm… this is awesome! Very well done! Congrats. :smiley:

Ditto to what everybody else said.

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

Well, i created this mesh in 2H30 :eek:

It’s amazing to see the gain of time compared to any other modeler tools !

I suppose i can spend more time on modeling, but i was afraid my PC crashed during the modeling and number of polys (near 500000) but no ! Plus of being really efficient, zbrush is more stable than any other tool ! :slight_smile:

Thanks again to all of you for the feedbacks :slight_smile:

Hi Strike
Alas you can’t save tools with Demo Version !
It’s a demo :slight_smile:
Loadind a tool yes, so you can ask to some Zbrushers to send you some start tools
for modified it with talent :slight_smile:
But As I see some great figures are possible in one session work :smiley:
Thx for that to the Pixo Team :cool:
Ps Et le père Noel est pour bientôt :rolleyes:

Hey Strike,

Cool to see you over here. Your character has gotten me greatly interested in ZBrush. I can only imagine how long it would take to model that sort of detail in Lightwave. :slight_smile: I think I’m going to save up some money too.

Good to see you,

ONE SESSION Frency !!! LOL, that was many days without turning his poor PC off, and many days of worrying something would happen. I am on my second day, and yes, it is something you worry about !! LOL :frowning:

Strike, this is one hell of a model, the roughness is the character, that and his mouth :slight_smile:

Golly, I agree with you Strike, even tho you said you were kidding. If they would let demo users at least save one tool, perhaps people who have never had experience in 3D modeling would stick with it longer. One lousy tool, and you better believe us demo users would not save a tool until it is the perfect one for our specific desires :slight_smile:

Stike, this is totally awesome, incredible, and off the scale…a damned good job :slight_smile:

Many Blessings

Frenchy Pilou : J’espère que le Père Noël pensera à moi :wink:

Eh Rob !! :slight_smile: Happy to see you here ! Trust me, the gain of time is awesome with zbrush ! I recommand you to train a little bit on the demo downloadable on pixologic, to have an idea about the possibilities, but yes : i’m sure you’re gonna create some fantastic images with it, as usual ! Good to see you too, and enjoy this great tool ! :slight_smile: Cheers my friend :slight_smile:

Kitty : Hehe :slight_smile: Yes that’s something worrying to wonder if the PC is going to crash or not till the end of sculpting lol

Thanks alot Kitty ! :slight_smile:

Very nice model! that is amazing that u did that with the demo! i am also using the demo right now until i can afford the whole version.
How did u get those details? especially aroung the eye and nose area, in the first few pictures. are you just using a small brush size and low z intensity?
great work! keep em coming!


Thanks all ! :slight_smile:

Well, after working a little bit and being unable to export my mesh due to the fact i use the tryout version of zbrush, i just did a color and texture work under photoshop from one of the screenshots i did before :

It gives an idea of what i could do under Lightwave for example.






Run! it’t s a cave troll!!


mega cool!!! :grimacing: :+1: :+1: :+1:
got to fire up Zbrush again :smiley:

and a question :small_orange_diamond: how have you made teeth :confused: