
10 Reasons Why to Date a ZBrusher

A friend emailed me recently “10 Reasons Why to Date an Architect”.
Most of the lines can be used for a zbrushers too, so I just wanted to share.
New ideas - welcomed :slight_smile:

  1. All night long, all night strong.
  2. We are damn good with our hands.
  3. If we can commit to tablet, relationships should be easy.
  4. You should see the things we erect.
  5. Use to doing things over and over again.
  6. Finishing early never happens.
  7. We know the true meaning of interpretation.
  8. Creative positioning.
  1. We take care of the details (by TheGreenMachine)


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: so funny


“you know the stroke technique” , how is that?

We extrude better than anyone.
We have sub-tools.

The release always comes late…

hahahaha that’s true, very funny :lol:

haha, great, keep it going, I was thinking something about using the word “anatomy”, but no funny ideas yet.

Hahaha very funny,
we know anatomy more than anyone
and we are projection masters too ! :cool:

We take care of the details :smiley:

Nobody drops a model to a canvas better than us.

Most of us come prepared with demo reels.

We got an inflate tool!

:D:D:D, bull’s eye TheGreenMachine, way to go, rest are very good too
