

I remember, about 10+ years ago, I was able to download and import ZScripts.
When a ZScript was recorded, and I was running it, it showed the modeling process from the beginning to the end, in real-time inside Zbrush.

I can’t recall anymore how that worked.
But I would love to record my sessions with that method.

Is there any tutorial that shows how that works?
Or a quikc guide that demos it?

Thank you so much for any little help,
appreciate it!

ps: maybe it was not loading a zscript and it was something else… but I can remember how it worked. And I would love to know how I can do the same and record my sculpting that way and then, I can share my script file and someone else can load it and run it.

Does this feature not exist anymore?

Would be sooo great. Thank you so much for any little help or info on that!
appreciate it!