
ZScript vs c++ API

Is it possible to manipulate functions in Zbrush using C++? I have experience creating C++ plugins for Maya, but from what I’ve seen, Zbrush doesn’t have an actual C++ API that can control parts of its functionality. Rather, it only can receive data such as floats and strings from dll functions. Is this correct?

I am exploring something like this at the moment. As far as I can tell [FileExecute] is the only official way. You could probably hack something together where your C++ code runs on a separate thread and communicates with the ZScript through a message pump, but that may be more trouble than it is worth.
My current plan is to collect data into a memory buffer in the script, process it on the C++ side, then feed the result back into the application from the script…
There is the chance that the GoZ system supports more features, but that seems to be a private API.