
ZScript Utility: Alpha Library Browser for Detailing Characters: ZBrush Alpha Library

My Alpha2Gnomon converter will convert any format that you can import into the alpha palette. Basically what it does is asks you to select the files you want to use with the AlphaBrowser. You can shift-click in the Open dialog to select multiple files at once. It then loads them into the alpha palette. If the files are not already .psd it converts them, saving them with the right names to the bowser folders. It fills up the ‘slots’ sequentially so if you want to load more alphas at a later date just relaunch the converter.

Works perfectly. Marcus you are the man!!!

I finally got alpha browser to run. Hopefully there will be an updated version of the plugin where the conversion of alpha is not necessary…more streamlined. In either case, it’s nice tool.

The ZScript has been updated to accomodate the naming convention used with the shipped DVDs. To use rev B you will have to reinstall the alphas on your hard drive, if you have already renamed them.

Thank you Marcus_Civis for your early work on solving the initial problem. :slight_smile:

Thanks Ryan.

Unfortunately, it appears that the corner zoom icon isn't loading with rev B.

More specifically, I get the exclamation graphic in place of the magnifying glass graphic. Anyone else get this or have I done something incorrectly?

BTW, I just happened to finish watching Aaron’s Detailing Characters: ZBrush Alpha Library DVD today.
Great stuff!

Update: the alpha browser rev B works perfectly now.

Great alphas many thanks for shearing those and have a nice day.

AWESOME! :+1: :smiley: :+1:


Could anyone help me to sort the gnomon alpha library out…I have done everything from the web…but when I load the first bump skin1…nothing happens just my bump goes to the alpha…but I cant not load anymore…
maybe I have put the file on the wrong folders…could somone tell me where I have to put the folders…or why its not loading my gnomon alpha as it should…?



Your answers should be in this thread already.

I have been doing it…but there were so many people with problem …it was a bit confused …like one of them put the files on ZStartup/Zplugs…but I dont have the Zplugs on the ZStartup folder . Its on ZData my Zplugs…so should I put my files there…?
I just one someone explaining clearer where to put the folders etc…I have uptade the gnomon script the I should not have more problem with name the files…So what its wrong…I read many times the but I still can figure out…
Its not download the bumps…

There are two ways you can do this:


1.You can follow Ryan’s instructions at the beginning of this thread.Copy the Bumpy_Skin, Leathery_Skin, Scaly_Skin folders to a folder on your hard drive (you can name it alpha_brushes). Put the AlphaBrowser.zsc (& the AlphaBrowser.psd) in the same folder (i.e. ‘alpha_brushes’). Start ZBrush and load the AlphaBrowser.zsc from the ZScript>Load button. There will then be a button called ‘Gnomon Alpha Browser’ available in the ZPlugin menu. With this method you will have to load the AlphaBrowser.zsc each time you start ZBrush when you want to use the alpha browser.


  1. Copy the Bumpy_Skin, Leathery_Skin, Scaly_Skin folders to a folder named ‘ZPlugs’ that you will need to create in your ZStartup folder. Put the AlphaBrowser.zsc in this new ZPlugs folder too. Restart ZBrush and the button called ‘Gnomon Alpha Browser’ will be available in the ZPlugin menu - and will be there EVERY ZB session.

Don’t know if this is the way it is suppose to work but…
Have installed the alphas in the startup correctly.
I get the browser in the zplugin.
Only the Bumps appears.
When I get to the end of the bumps there is no way
to see the leather or scaly.
How may I access the leather and scaly?
Redid the installation with the revised script but still the same
Many thanks in advance.

Don’t know if this is the way it is suppose to work but…
Have installed the alphas in the startup correctly.
I get the browser in the zplugin.
Only the Bumps appears.
When I get to the end of the bumps there is no way
to see the leather or scaly.
How may I access the leather and scaly?
Redid the installation with the revised script but still the same

Make sure your folders containing the alphas are named with an underscore:
Bumpy_Skin, Leathery_Skin, Scaly_Skin.

Thank you very much marcus_civis:+1: I have done what u said on the preview message…the number “1” way works for me without problem…:laughing: I can see all
of them.:roll_eyes: .i dont know why you are having this kind of problem.:frowning: …maybe you have renamed using the old script .:question: .and now u need to rename again…problabley its the name os the folders or files…on my files all of them have underscore…

Many thanks for your time Marcus Civis, appreciate it.
However still does not work.
Will quit while I am ahead.
Thanks again:+1:

:slight_smile: I can also see only the bumpy skin… the other dirs won’t load the names are correctly :rolleyes:

First off this is an awesome script. I saw this at SIGGRAPH and it rules.
And I want to give much credit to those who have made this script useable for the rest of us Z users. And everyone that has posted on here about this script.

But (and I could be greatly misguided here) I believe there is a lot of contradicting here and not exact naming conventions being posted along with not exact set by step documentation of how to use this if you don’t have the DVD. I have read through all four pages of this post and all it did was send me in a loop because you guys are contradicting each other with your posts. I finally got this thing to work. And on my machine anyway this is the only way to get the “Alpha Browser” plug-in and Marcus_civis’s “Alpha2Gnomon” converter to BOTH work together. And in my opinion one is useless without the other. :wink:

And if you’re like me you don’t have the DVD and you just have a bunch of alphas that you have collected over the months/years and just want a better cooler way to view/use them.

1. Follow my naming conventions and spaces exactly.
  1. If you don’t already have a “ZStartup” Folder make one. My directory is as follows “C:\Program Files\Pixologic\ZBrush2\ZStartup\Zplugs”
    3. If you don’t already have a “ZPlugs” directory inside your “Zstartup” folder make one.
    4. Put the contents of “alpha_brushes_revB.zip” into the “ZPlugs” folder

    1. Also create three more folders inside “Zplugs” named (NAME THEM THIS EXACTLY :slight_smile: )
    2. “Bumpy Skin”
    3. “Leathery Skin”
    4. “Scaly Skin” Do all of these WITH NO UNDERSCORES.
    5. You can now use marcus_civis’s “Alpha2Gnomon” (Alpha2Gnomon.zsc.) correctly.

    10. If you have these folders named anything but what I listed above this script will not work!!! :wink:
    11. I put his script in “ZStartup\Zplugs” so that it starts every time. And moved it to a shelf as well.

  2. run “Alpha2Gnomon.zsc” and select or shift select all your alphas. It will then convert them to .PSD’s and then copy and move them in to your Bumpy Skin, Leathery Skin, and Scaly Skin. Filling them up as it goes.
    13. After it is done you will notice that the “Alpha Browser” still does not work. You now have to
    14. Rename the folder “Bumpy Skin” to “Bumpy_Skin”
    15. Rename the folder “Leathery Skin” to “Leathery_Skin”
    16. Rename the folder “Scaly Skin” to “Scaly_Skin”

  3. You will also notice that the “Alpha Browser” still does not work. You have to rename all of the new .PSD’s in these folders as well. To do this I used the batch re-namer tool that WierdPal posted. You can dl it here. http://www.sofotex.com/Batch-File-R…oad_L21385.html. When you run this program basically just choose your directory then under General Options – Edit Name – Space & Underscores : chose Replace Spaces with Underscores. This will fix the file names of your alphas.

  4. All of your textures need to be named like this “Bumpy_Skin_1.PSD”, “Bumpy_Skin_20.PSD”, “Leathery_Skin_1.PSD”, Scaly_Skin_1.PSD" and so on and so on the "Bumpy_Skin_x” only goes to number 22. But don’t worry about the number part so much it is mainly the under scores in the correct place that are important. SO NO SPACES AT ALL JUST USE UNDERSCORES! :confused:

  5. RESTART ZBURSH. Your “Alpha Browser” (“AlphaBrowser.zsc”) should now work, I also but this script in “ZStartup\Zplugs” and made a shelf button out of it.

    Again thanks to all who have posted and replied and posted scripts and links this rocks and ZBRUSH ROCKS!!! :wink:

If I am wrong on any of this and there is a good chance that I am then please rip me a new one but this is the only way that I could get these scripts to work together and I just thought that someone should document it.


Blimey, --E–, that’s quite a post. :wink: Thanks for all the detail. I think most of the confusion has come about because of the different versions posted - my conversion utilities were written for the first version which has now been replaced, hence the need for your detective work.

I’m working on an alpha browser (inspired by this Gnomon one) which will let you use your own alphas. Hopefully I’ll be posting it before long.

haha no problem Marcus_Civis. you are awesome and thanks again for all your work on this :smiley:

That would be really cool… especially if it would scan for directories so you are not stuck with 3 dirs :slight_smile: