
Zmodeler Close a Hole

Hi, just wanted to ask a simple question, i need to close a hole with zmodeler so i used the bridge tool to close the top and bottom. It’s look like to be closed, but the left and right side of the polygon does not seems to be linked with the whole object. So I would like to know what zmodeler tool i have to use ?
Thanks for your answer

Hi @123EE_M,

A picture would be useful here. ZModeler> Edge Close or Tool> Geometry> Modify Topology should close a hole, but from your descriptions it sounds like your geometry has become twisted in some way. If you get unexpected results, check your mesh for issues with Tool> Geometry> Mesh Integrity> Check mesh.

Otherwise we would need to see a picture of the problem. Please post an uncropped screenshot of your entire interface at the time the issue is present.

Thank you!