
Zif Worm Version 5.0 (updated 5-26-05)

I was referring to Digit’s beautifuly complex image posted right after the Zscrip of Zif Worm post. Post number 2 I believe.

Hi DigitalFX

I just PM’d you but I will see what I can do about throwing together a little tutorial as soon as I have a bit of free time. Be sure to download the Documentation as well and peruse the Old and New Zif Worm threads as I have posted some howto’s in them. Just do a search on Zif Worm to see the threads for versions 1-5

Actually, I have a new version that I will be releasing soon and I will work your request into that.

Thanks for your Interest, I appreciate it.

oh well if you are taking requests…hahahaa

i would love to see a autosnapshot for sure and if ya got nothing better to do…an auto MM button too! that would really cook my goose! :smiley:

I found a problem with my new version of Zif Worm so I am not going to release it yet.

I did however create a Tutorial that might get you started Digital, I will try to work on more as soon as I can get Zif Worm 6 squared away.

Zif Worm Tutorial 1

Aminuts, although the tutorial shows the new interface for Zif Worm, notice I included an example of using the Snap function to automatically snapshot your object to the canvas. This feature is also included in the old version. I can’t include an automatic Magic Marker feature because (depending on how you are using Zif Worm) alot of the objects you will create will share the same origin point and the MM will get overwritten.

I hope to find time to create some more tutorials as soon as I release the new version. Thanks for your interest guys!

It’s in there? Damn.

(Aminuts peels out of ZBC to go find glasses and take another look!)

I only saw one image in the tutorial. BTW that interface is slick looking, nice work. Am I missing somthing…is there more than the one image?

look at the lower corner…you will see a next button :smiley:

yeah looking slick and yeah i am a dork.

Yeah know I had tried turning the snap thing on I think in one of the previous versions thinking thats what it was for (who reads directions anyways :rolleyes:) and it didn’t work at that time and I then assumed (of course that I couldn’t have possible done something wrong hahaha) that snap was for something else I couldn’t be bothered to read the manual for.

Now I am one nut in need of serious saving from this script. :smiley:

This is realy great stuff!
So much to learn and discover…so little time…sigh…and some sniffs too…

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:


Thanks Didge!!!



As promised, a Zif Worm Update.

What’s New

Navigation Panel Changed to be like ZCurve functionality
Added Morph

  1. Select Morph Start
  2. Select Morph End
  3. Press Morph to create number of Interations in Iteration Slider.

This one isn’t really made to install as a plugin, but if someone would like that I can write a ZifWormBooter script for you.

Happy Wormin!



Ps A suggestion of script : An automatic fractal with 2 objects
One is create at each Zspheres of the second
The first is not neccessary a Zsphere object :slight_smile:
The first can be the second and vis versa :smiley:
I believe that not very difficult because the is somewhere quasi this function :rolleyes:
Have happy Scripting ! :cool:

TssTssTss still no ZiffWorm64… sighhhh

Haha! Thanks for the new Version!

oh i have died and gone to heaven…zifworm w/morph…woooooohooooooooooooooooo!!!

Thanks guys!

Maybe I can come up with something, but you can already do this with Zif Click

  1. Make a little squiggly
  2. Use Zif Click to copy it
  3. Make a bigger squiggly
  4. Use Zif Click to paste the little squiggly to the big squiggly wherever you want.

hmmmm… but an actual fractal generator would be cool. Got to find my thinking hat.

…the last of the triumvirat : ZWorms, Zcurves, Zif Click :rolleyes: :lol:
Ps Yes a fractal generator will be very cool :cool:
Just careful to explode the memory :wink:

Hi Digits,

what are the chances of getting the xyz back? it’s not a problem to use 5 and 6 so don’t fret about it. I just found it easier but am probably the only one :D.

xyz+morph=funnyfarm for nuts!:rolleyes:

oh yeah ya know while ya got nuttin to do…an interface that let’s ya zip between the mighty triumverate would be aweeeessoooommmmeee. :wink: