
Zif Worm Version 5.0 (updated 5-26-05)

Hmmmm play with the worms and get spanked later by the wife for it or mow the lawn and clip the hedges… I think I go and play with the worms this morning 8-).

Great Picture!

Had to say thanks for making the script! Am off to play awhile now!


-Question: I want to know how to make one end of a string thicker and the other end skinnier?

Spanked:eek: Sounds like recreation to me, go fer it

Hey Az, nice to see some wormin goin on there.

There is a couple of ways to get a taper effect.


  1. On the main panel there is a Incr slider, enter a minus number (4 or 5 is good) to go from larger to smaller, positive to go from smaller to larger.
  2. Open the Size Menu and press the “Taper Button” this will taper the nodes. There is also Aver and size increment buttons to incrementally adjust the size of all nodes.

There is also a function in the Size menu called S->E to use this function

  1. In Edit mode select and size the starting node
  2. Still in Edit mode select and size the Last node
  3. Pressing S->E will taper the worm from these two values

Example you can use this to fit one end of a worm into a small hole and connect it to another larger hole.

Let the worming commence!

Oh wow … some splendid wiggling happening here. Love the look you guys are getting.

Thank you dude!:+1: :slight_smile:

thank you so much for those fantastico mandalas, Floyd! :+1: :+1: :+1: not to mention for updating ZifWorm to Z2 compability.

i hope to be able to share a few tentacled thingies, tornados, corals, anemonae, crazy hairdos, ornaments, branches/twigs/bushes etc. (and abstracts as sophisticated as yours) soon, but i was too distracted or blankminded yesternight so all i can come up with right now are some worms looking like they could be done via the snakehookbrush as well :smiley: however i always wished the snakehook would be a 3d-tool - you made my dreams come true :wink:

[attach=12304]first.jpg[/attach] [attach=12305]second.jpg[/attach] [attach=12309]secondfiber.jpg[/attach] [attach=12306]float.jpg[/attach] [attach=12307]growth.jpg[/attach] girlana.jpg [attach=12310]left.jpg[/attach] [attach=12311]right.jpg[/attach]

  • juandel

:large_orange_diamond: edit after receiving Digits & Rhoms message: thanks, Kirby! i hope you are doing fine these days! any rhom-masterpieces under way?

Floyd: glad you thought about the giants armpit and not some other part(s) :smiley: hopefully you were able to enjoy the sea, breezes, beers etc. on your long weekend, amigo! heres tentacles-beast numero uno (i cheated a bit when i used the snakehook on the flat image in postproduction to unlevel the tentacles a bit - i agree that doing this in ZifClick would allow more control over single tentacles - however to do the jellyfish took me about 15 minutes thanks to ZifWorms :))











Just on my way out for a long Memorial Day weekend but I wanted to say.

Juandel, mi amigo, your images are water to a thirsty man. Some of them look like armhairs on a gnarly giant, but as always gems of elegant imagination. Thanks for the treat buddy

Floyd and Hansl-very cool!

Totally inspirational! Woohooo!

I got inspired by Lemonado’s No Maththread. Didn’t exactly create a Moebius? out of zspheres but I thought it looked cool so I used it for this.


WOWOWOWzzzzzaaaaaa! OMG that looks GREAT! SO much more original than the ‘simple’ saddle and other 4d curves… I like it a lot! My attempts in ‘worming’ have been rather poor… I have to train 8-).

MORE!!! :D:D:D

Thanks Digits!Digitsworm3.jpg




Great work guys! This script has endless possibilities (bad joke about Moebius?). :wink: Aminuts, your top pic looks like bits of scrunched up newspaper and odds and ends. I keep trying to identify things in there. :smiley:

Zif Worm is more fun than a fishing pole.


p.s. Nuts, your trio of images are truly elegant! I just had to add them to my Hall.of.Beauties art collection.

Yes indeed the first one has a very forensic pull to the eye and I especially love the perspective and Escher type feeling to #3. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Thanks guys…especially Digits…this one IS too much fun and perfect for pattern junkies.

ok back to zifworming!


damns its freaking impressive…

Superb images animuts…

Okay now howzabout a tutorial on how u came up with this fantastic Zifworm image? I love the old gold or old brass surfaces. I’d love to know how you did it. Step by step as I’m not very bright.