
ZBrushcore and cnc

I noticed ZBrushcore has a plugin for 3d printing, Wondering if Pixologic will ever add a plugin for CNC into ZBrushcore like in the full version. I doubt I’d ever need all the tools in the full version as I’m only using it for CNC router work. Would be nice and only fair for the plugin. Thank you.

Hello @Graham1964,

When we decide on feature updates for ZBrush Core, we consider common user requests. If you’d like to make a feature request for ZBrush Core, the place to do that is Pixologic Support, with the email address your product is registered to. That way you can make sure your requests actually make it into the developers’ hands.

Thank you!

OK thank you for the reply, And thank you for directing me to the right place.

Ok, so I discovered there’s actually a lot more that I need than what core gives so I went and did the 6-month subscription for now. Think you can link me to the z CNC plugin, I can’t find it anywhere. Sorry for being a pain and thank you for any help.

The extra plug-ins can be found here…

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