
zbrush wont work anymore? even after re-install


I need some help here, im fed up.

Ive have had zbrush 4 r6 on my computer for 2 years nearly. I installed my intuous

pro and since then it wont work.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled C++, i have changed DEP, deleted VMEN, everything and

it wont start. It just shows the disc and fails to start.

Now even after re-installing it wont launch, i cannot get my head around

why i cant use zbrush anymore - what a joke???

please help?

Have you submitted a Support ticket?


no, its bull*hit this is…

Hi, ZBrush wouldn’t run here last fall. How old is your Windows installation? I had to reinstall Windows 7 Home after a couple years.

about 1.5 years old windows 7 i got, its joke. its happened since i installed intuous pro. im well stressed, tryed everything…

Why haven’t you submitted a Support ticket? That is the proper venue to receive help with issues such as this.