
Zbrush Script Hotkeys Not working

Hi all,

I am trying to write a simple script that changes brush sizes, however, when I assign hotkeys they only seem to work once. I have also tried to manually assign the hotkeys and they still do not seem to work.

Is this a bug, I found an old thread, but it did not go into much detail.

My code is as below, any help appreciated.

[IButton,Size 25,"Brush Size 25",
[ISet,Draw:Draw Size,25]
[IButton,Size 50,"Brush Size 50",
[ISet,Draw:Draw Size,50]
]/*End of ZScript*/


It’s best to assign the hotkeys as you would any other button rather than using zscript to do it. For this you’d probably find it easiest to convert your script to a plugin so that it is available each time you start ZBrush.

Note that when assigning hotkeys to a zscript button (plugin or macro) if you use SHIFT, CTRL or ALT then you need to repress these each time as well as the other key.
