
ZBrush > PolyTrans > Max/Maya (business idea)

I had a delightful exchange with the CEO/CTO of the company that makes Polytrans. He told me that it probably wouldn’t take much to write a plugin to access his Maya/Max importer plugin.

Wouldn’t it be most amazing to just take a ZTool (texturemaps, displacements etc) and just go straight into Max / Maya!

Is anyone interested in investigating this? I’m looking for someone with proven plugin experience… there might be a good business plan behind this?

Here is the product I’m talking about.

here is the Max plugin page:

email me if you have interest …

I guess that would be nice but, are we talking about ztools with multi subd lvls? That would REALLY be nice. Sorry, I’m no plugin writer though.

after some discussion with others out there… this probably wouldn’t be a good business model… but really we should put this on the wish list for Pixologic… it would like joe-average users jump into ZBrush with little effort… right now the curve to other applicaitons is painful!