
ZBrush Core Snapshot - Can't Clear the Canvas?

Quick question, I’ve pressed Control+S, and no new snap shot appears. I press Control+N and nothing disappears. Where am I going wrong here? I’m not really sure how that head in the upper left came to be :confused:




The only way that I’ve found to fix it without closing the program is to copy the tool(it’ll copy all of your subtools as well), then open any project that you’ve saved before when you didn’t have that issue and then the saved snapshot will disappear. Then just select a cube or something on the tool list click the R to clear your tool list and then just push paste tool and you’ll be back where you were before the snapshot issue. It’s a bit of a process, mine has done it twice today. Hope that helps.

Hi, I just ran into the very same issue. I even tried a help ticket but never got a straightforward answer.
This seems to be a bug with zbrushcore because it doesn’t even happen when you press Ctrl-C but with some random combination of click + the C key.
I wish they would acknowledge this as a bug and give a straight answer with the promise to fix it.
Thanks for the workaround. !!!:smiley:

Hi, I had the same issu, so i have saved my work in *zbr file, then i closed ZB, and re-open it directely by my *zbr file saved, and your project opens clean, without this “%@#&%” (XD) snapshot !

Bonjour, si vous avez ce problème de se débarraser des snapshots, une des solutions des plus rapide, car je n’ai pas trouvé autre chose, c’est d’enregistrer votre projet au format *zbr, ensuite fermer ZB et réouvrir depuis votre fichier enregistré et tout redevient comme avant sans le/les snapshots.