
ZBrush BETA TEST Render_Daniel Bel

Hi guys!!!

Here´s a render I did for the BETA testing. Still wip but I hope you like it =)

All made in ZBrush. I used the new clothing system for the fabrics and for the leaves “particles” floating and colliding with the scenario too. For the ground flowers I used fibermesh and the renders was taken with BPR. Any comments are more than welcome. Thanks!!!

Big hugs!!!


Great results - love the strips of cloth - wonder how you did those and if it was straightforward/easy with the new dynamics system. :sunglasses: :star: :+1:

Great composition! I really like how dynamic it is

Thank you so much guys, I´m glad you like it =)

It was super easy to do the cloth with the new dynamics. I´m going to show how I did it tomorrow on my channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DanielBel

Thanks guys, cheers!

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Nice piece @Daniel_Bel, thanks for sharing!

It’s almost as if this character is under water in a sea of corals, well done Daniel.

Thank you so much my dear friends! =)