
Zbrush Adventures

Ditto on the head size thing. Can we see Zbrush renders with no texture?

Yes, and possibly one or two shots at a different angle, please.

Yes indeed it went way out of hand haha (:

Very sexy thou

Hey Cheers everyone and thanks Webhead! Was wondering what felt off. On a side note how did you change the head so seamlessly :stuck_out_tongue:

Jerick: Lol yeah you have no idea how many comments I got about her outfit while I was working on this.

Since it was asked so nicely here’s some more shots.


Overall i’m not really happy with the other angles. I guess that’s because most of my time was spent trying to get it to match the sketch. But it’s a 3d model and it’s meant to function as such :S.





Wow, very nice work!!! Dude… Teach me

Man…she is alive…very beautiful work.


love it, great forms. love the pose. looking forward to more!

Wow, nice! :+1:

Nice work with Psylocke:+1: She is my favorite character in X-man and i wanted to sculp her but seeing your work here il pass :stuck_out_tongue: you made her good i realy like it (thou her boobs may be too big but maybe thats just me who thinks that)

honestly bud, amazing work. If i could make anything half as good as that i would be over the moon. AWESOME work. :smiley:

cant wait to see what else you can do buddy :smiley:

wonderfull!!! really great !!!
congrats… :+1:

her boobs seem a bit big for psylocke. If you look at the reference her boobs breasts come to about her upper arm band, on yours they go down to her elbow. I’m not complaining :slight_smile: just saying.

Psylock’s boobs are NEVER too big lol.

In all seriousness he may have exaggerated them slightly but its not THAT far off…

Anyway thanks for the extra renders. She came out beautifully.

pmfg! cool :+1:
back view render please :laughing:

wow, amazing model!

While the male part of my personality appreciates this, I have to wonder if double sided sticky tape is standard order for her uniform? :wink: Nice work.

Really like this model! My only tidbit would be her costume almost seems to be infused/sewn to her skin. Could just be my eyes though :confused: .

Just used Photoshop cut and paste and a little elfin magic.:smiley:
Thanks for posting different views.

VEry very adorable, and very well done. :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

That’s gorgeous! That would be an awesome 3d print.