
ZBrush 4R6 No Longer Starts


I cannot get ZBrush 4R6 to start any longer. Here is what happens when I click either the shortcut in Windows or the EXE - I see the floppy icon for a moment and then I get a spinning wheel that never stops. If I access Windows Task Manager, it tells me that ZBrush.exe is running and using about 28mb of memory. Because I can do nothing else, I am forced to end the task via the Task Manager.

This may help with what I think is going on:

I have a two monitor setup. My primary monitor is a large TV. My secondary monitor is a Cintiq-like tablet. I had ZBrush set to open on the second monitor. I disconnect the Cintiq-like tablet every once in a while to take it to a show with my lap top. Last week I tried to start up ZBrush WITHOUT the second monitor attached. ZBrush failed to open. I assumed it was trying to open on the second monitor. All other apps, like Photoshop, will revert to the first monitor if the second monitor is not hooked up.

However, I reconnected the second monitor and tried to start ZBrush again. It’s a no go. ZBrush will not run at all. Instead, as stated above, I get the spinning wheel of death.

What can I do to get ZBrush to start up again? What other information do I need to provide?

Thank you.

Saw this problem posted here before. All I could find quick was >> http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?177176-How-can-i-force-zbrush-to-always-open-on-the-second-monitor. You may have to delete some file it reads from when trying to load.
Try holding Alt when you get the spinny thing :wink: and see if it shows you the error.

Thank you. I appreciate you looking. However, that other thread was about getting ZBrush to appear on a second monitor. In my case, ZBrush was doing nothing and would not load at all. But your idea of holding ALT while the spinning thing was there did help. It showed me that a particular file was missing or corrupt (Sketch1). I replaced it from the 4R5 folder and the spinning icon went away on the next start. For some reason, though, ZBrush started off way to the right so that only a few pixels of its left edge were visible, the rest of the app was off the screen. I had to drag ZBrush to view it, then place it on the second monitor, and then set its config so that it will always open there. All is well now, though. So, thank you for pointing me in the right direction. :slight_smile: