
ZBrush 3 Beta Images

I’m looking forward to to the official release of ZB3.

A quick off topic question, though. Will people who have legitimate copies of ZB2 be able to get an official CD copy of ZB3 sent to them? How much would it cost (I mean as an owner of ZB2)?

I mean, it’s not as if I can’t just download the upgrade/new version but I would like to have an official CD version as well.

Revanto :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you to all involved. What a wonderful collection of work. This collection goes way beyond 5 stars. Finally a computer tool that will make me put my brushes and drawing tools in a drawer. I’m going to buy a Cintique in celebration and do some serious work. I would say this sends the other new software back to the end of the line. The true miracle is that this is priced so anyone can manage to buy it. I’m still floored by the fact I can work on over 8 million poly models on my laptop with the current ZBrush.

and i just cant get enough!!! stunning!!!

Anyone, correct me if I’m wrong. I don’t believe in the history of art has there been a collection of artist of the caliber of the ZB3 Beta testers. To have a product that so many fine artist flock to is unique. The only other time this occures is when the larger companies hire top artist, but in this case its a free willingness because of the tool. Its kind of like when man discovered he could use charcoal and earth to make pigment, but now we have this outstanding community to encourage and inspire. I know in my case it just makes me want to become a better artist.

Like MonsterMaker, I am humbled by all the wonderful comments here. On the original thread I proposed a toast to all the beta folk, but I have to say I don’t think it’s enough. I learnt so much from each of them from every post of the beta forum, since we each go about doing things in unique ways.

The truly amazing thing about the new version of Zbrush is that it cares little for you workflow, it accepts that you are different and let’s you go forth and create. Then when you’re done you can conform your work to the necessary technical issues that may concern you. I know I look at this from a production point-of-view, but many (if not all) of you will find immense freedom.

Make sure you thank the wonderful team at Pixologic that have provided this tool. Without them, non of us beta people could have gone this insane! :wink:

looks interesting. very good designs from everyone.

I am interested, were all or most of the images shown rendered within zbrush? does z3 have a new renderer and skin material with sss? I dont think I seen anything on that. gotta go back and re-watch everything.

very inspirational stuff, and as always an honor to be in the presence of the gods.

I agree definitely with Antropus, this is really a massive artistic talent bank here !
however, I still wonder about the layering tools of ZB3, both in sculpting and painting. I was not able to enjoy a single tiny capture of the interface’s specific tools, but neither read anything mentioned from any testers about this matter. Please could anyone let me know about a link/comment if I am missing something already mentioned about layers… :wink:

Great Works!

If you fellas need a Beta tester on OSX you let me know… :+1: :+1: :+1:

Cracking work people…

I strongly feel that Pixologic should do something with all those stunning beta images. As Jason and others already remarked: the union of all these great artists standing behind this great, great tool is something unique, and shouldn’t pass without some form to remember it by. Maybe a small book, or a big poster…
Wouldn’t the world be great if all those great artists could get together and make one stunning piece of art, for exemple a movie, or a big illustrated storybook, all designed with Zbrush… Maybe one day… :slight_smile:

For those asking questions NOTICE: We can’t talk or show you anything other than we beta testors have. We know this brings up as many, if not more questions rather than providing answers. Trust us when we say that Pixologic isn’t letting you down, they have gone above and beyond the call of duty on this release. The wikki alone is going to blow your minds, while getting you familiar with the new tools.

Start dreaming and planning the wildest things you can think of, NO! Wilder than that! Come on, what are you lumps or creative geniuses!!! Not lumps? Prove it and be ready… :wink:

you all did so much great work i wish i had one of those bags too, zbrush has transformed the way i look at 3d art, before zbrush there was no proper tool for me to learn on, zbrush allowed individuals like me who could not for the life of them at that time wrap their heads around a tradtional aplication to unleash the wonders of 3d and demystify its workings. i thank the pixologic team tremendously for unleashing a new chapter in the history of graphics, and hope that their product, this wounderful testiment to the power of the creativity, to transform futher what we think of when the need to visualize for film, games,ect arises.

hoo[color=Magenta]oh…these Guys R :eek: ck with Zbrush 3 !!!..

Yeah! Sorta like Ballistic’s Expose but all Zbrush, that’d be awesome. Man all this hype is gonna make my head explode. This is such a great community, so many great artist and such a wealth of information… I love Pixologic!:smiley:

Xcellent, can’t wait …

Exceptional work! Thanks for inspiration! One of these rare cases when I look at CG art and don’t think about technicalities, just because the work is so great.

It’s obvious that the tool doesn’t get in artist way. Simply, cannot wait.

Those Guys are Off the Hook…Outstanding Work…Unbelievable

I once watched a film that asked the question, “why is that watermelon in a vice?”, now I know.

One watermelon + pixologics Z3 X beta testors / the squeze factor = mind blowing art with a slight watermelon flavor that lasts and lasts.

absolutly SWEET!

I’ve not had a great amount of time to work with ZBrush in the last 12 months but this work is simply outstanding.